Arte & Parole

by Usborne Books

Ciao Italian language learning community!

You should really get this GREAT book:   "First Thousand Words in Italianwith interactive internet links.Order your books HERE:.  Italian students from age 5 to 100 have already purchased this book. Here are some highlights of the book: 
    • hard cover, 12-1/2" H x 9-1/4" L
    • beautiful, vocabulary, accurate illustrations
    • designated internet link with audio pronunciation for all the words
    • alphabetical index in Italian
    • special section on food, myself, clothing, careers/trades,
    • action words (commonly used verbs)
    • opposites, days holidays, weather, domestic animals
    • sports
    • colors, shapes & numbers
     Thanks--please  Buy your book HERE

I love Italian proverbs and there are a ton of websites that expound the art of proverbi italiani. Here's a really good website for self-learners of the Italian language:


l'albero, il gufo

la torre dell'orologio

la scarpa

la maschera

la chiesa, il duomo

la guglia


il plinto

la colonna

il minareto


il mazzo di fiori

la statua

All original images are copyright protected and are the property of Ingrid Sperow.

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