Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sono arrivate le feste...Buon Natale a tutti!

l'albero di Natale

I love Christmas-who doesn't?! The celebrations, the preparations and the merry-making that comes with this end of the year festivity have roots far earlier than European Christianity. It is believed that ancient Romans celebrated the winter solstice by decorating evergreen trees (symbolic of the spring to follow winter) with garlands of laurel and candles. The Scandinavians decorated their evergreen trees with apples. There are so many symbols associated with Chrstmas time that I decided to make a list. Having said that, I raise my cyber glass to you and toast this beautiful end of the year holiday.

Today I offer Christmas vocabulary words for my students of Italian:

Buon Natale,  la vigilia di Natale,  Buone Feste,  Babbo Natale,  la stella,  la lista,  gli ornamenti

la corona dell'avvento

il calendario dell'avvento
il panettone
il panforte

il ceppo di Natale

il regalo
il giocattolo
il pupazzo di neve

la ghirlanda
il presepio

il bambino Gesu',  la vigilia di San Silvestro,  il Capodanno,  la Befana,  l'Epifania 

Buon divertimento e Buon Natale a tutti!

fuochi d'artifico a Capodanno

Friday, October 21, 2011

Autumn, the Italian Circus & Halloween

Il circo italiano ...is coming to town on the heels of Halloween and we have lots of fun words and images to learn. As always, click the image to the right to translate the Italian words into English. 
Anche l'autunno e arrivato!
foglie cadute,  i funghi,  lo spaventapasseri,  il corvo

Abruzzo National Park, Italy

 Two hours east and slightly north of Rome, "is the town of the snake-catchers, Cocullo whose residents have combined the millenary Marsican traditions with the Christian devotion to S. Domenico."

l'incantatore di serpenti

Friday, July 22, 2011

Il mio orto domestico (My kitchen garden)

il girasole
 Gardening is one of my favorite pastimes; growing fruit, vegetables and flowers and herbs to eat is so satisfying to me. This is my prize girasole. It grew over 10 feet tall and the flower head was almost 36 inches.

our organic garden
Gardening is really universal, but it is so Italian! I hardly know any Italians that don't have an "orto" out in back or right in front of their house instead of silly grass.
 L'orto domestico is the word for  "kitchen garden". L'ortaggio is used to describe the vegetable. With Spring (la primavera) fleeting by and Summer (l'estate) grasping for air (l'aria) and sun (il sole), this month's vocabulary building will focus on the garden (l'orto). Here are some pictures of il mio orto!
i broccoli
i fagiolini


i pomodori bio


la lattuga


il seme

il terriccio
il sole

piantare semi

Aromatic herbs are divine for cooking! Here are some of my favorites
il rosmarino

il mazzolino d'erbe

il prezzemolo


il basilico

la bonta
These are my favorite medicinal herbs for making le tisane (herb teas).

la camomila ungarese
la lavanda francese

I love summer and I especially love my garden. Fate una buona estate!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Days, Months, Time and Astrology

Ciao a tutti....Buon Anno Nuovo!

A new year brings hope for change.  We measure time, space and seasons with words to describe change. How about if we add new vocabulary words to this new year of change.This "new year post" will focus on the months, the days, the seasons and the Western astrological signs.I hope you enjoy adding these words to your expanded vocabulary!

gennaio   febbraio   marzo   aprile   maggio    giugno    luglio    agosto   settembre   ottobre   novembre   dicembre

The months of the year are not capitalized and no article is necessary.

lunedi`    martedi`    mercoledi`    giovedi`    venerdi`     sabato     domenica

Except for domenica, days of the week are masculine and they are not capitalized. They are usually not preceded by a definite article.


l'inverno      la primavera    

l'estate      l'autunno

Ariete     Toro     Gemelli     Cancro     Leone     Vergine     Bilancia     Scorpione    Sagittario     Capricorno     Acquario     Pesci

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